The financial services industry can be personally and financially rewarding, so why is it that so few women are in the field?
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Arthea Reed and Diane Dixon draw upon the results of a Women in Insurance & Financial Services research study and their own extensive knowledge to explain the shortage as well as to inspire more women to enter or remain in the field.
Some of the most successful women in financial services have overcome great personal tragedy, professional ridicule, and failure to reach the pinnacle of success. By studying their moves, you can:follow in the footsteps of successful female financial services professionals;
train up-and-coming female professionals so they have the knowledge and tools to succeed; and promote a workplace that's inclusive, inspirational, and encouraging for everyone. Walk down the path to a successful and rewarding career in financial services and help others do the same by learning from amazingly successful women. Whether you're already in the industry or considering it as a career, you'll get a road map
to overcome challenges with Financial Services: Women at the Top.